The Best Relationship Advice

This is the best advice I read about relationships and it is from Naval. Please read.

“…when you’re in a relationship, just watch how the other person treats their worst enemy, because eventually they’ll just redefine you as the enemy and you’ll get to feel that behaviour. I think the number one criteria I look for in a relationship is that person has to be kind. They just have to be a nice person. Because, eventually the person you choose, in a certain context, will reclassify you from a friend (spouse, lover…) to enemy. You just want to see the boundaries of someone’s ethics. If you see someone being bad to a server or someone engaging in unethical behavior or suing other people or fighting other people all the time, it’s only a matter of time before they fight you. Just stay away from these high conflict people. Everyone has conflict, no one is clean, but that said, there are definitely people who engage in conflict and do it regularly and then make it a part of their lifestyle. Just walk away. It’s not worth it. You’ve met people who are low conflict and easy to get along with.”

Wise words…



Luca Collacciani

Polymath, Ambivert & Tech-Anthropologist. Books and Tea Lover. Dream Job: Archaeologist of the Psyche. Future worst-selling author and board game designer.